Lord Baltimore Fellowships 2016

The Maryland Historical Society is inviting applications for its Research Fellowship program. The fellowships are designed to promote scholarship in Maryland history and culture through research in its library collections.

The Maryland Historical Society is inviting applications for its Research Fellowship program. The society offers fellowships each year designed to promote scholarship in Maryland history and culture through research in its library collections. Applications will be welcomed from independent scholars, graduate students, or university faculty in any discipline appropriate to its collections.

Between six and twelve Lord Baltimore Fellowships will be awarded.  These fellowships are non-stipendiary.  Fellows will be provided access to computers with Internet connections, office supplies, expanded access to the library, and a free parking permit.

The terms of a fellowship may be from one week to one year during the period from June 1, 2016, to May 31, 2017. Fellows are expected to be in residence at the society during their fellowship term, make use of the society’s collections in their research, and participate in the intellectual life of the society. Fellows are encouraged to present their research-in-progress in informal presentations at the society, write a post on their research for the library’s blog, and to submit their work for possible publication in the Maryland Historical Magazine. Fellows are required to submit an annotated bibliography to the library director at the conclusion of their term of residency.

Applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2016. To apply, send a cover letter, a c.v. or resume, a two-four page summary of the planned research, how it fits into an overall research project, and the names and complete addresses of two references to:

Patricia Dockman Anderson, PhD
Maryland Historical Society
201 West Monument Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Notification of awards will be made by the end of May.

For more information on the Lord Baltimore Fellowships, click here.

From: H-Pennsylvania