LePage Center for History in the Public Interest Names Inaugural Director

Jason Steinhauer has been named inaugural Director of the LePage Center for History in the Public Interest

Jason Steinhauer has been named inaugural Director of the LePage Center for History in the Public Interest, a new academic center at Villanova University that brings historical scholarship and historical perspective to bear on contemporary global issues.

According to his website, Steinhauer has more than fifteen years experience “in the field leading the programs and projects of major cultural and historical institutions in the U.S.” He has worked with “the Library of Congress, New-York Historical Society, and Museum of Jewish Heritage to develop nationally and internationally-recognized programs; developed the archives of the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame and Museo Judio de Sosua in the Dominican Republic; curated the award-winning exhibition Ours to Fight For: American Jews in the Second World War (among many exhibition credits), and served on the Boards of the Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) and the Esperanza Education Fund.”

Villanova announced a $10 million gift from Albert Lepage (class of 1969) to establish the center in 2016. His commitment marks the largest-ever gift to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the University’s oldest and largest college. The Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest will be a multifaceted resource that draws upon the past to impart lessons for the modern world. Through academic programs, research, publications and events, the center will engage the public, policymakers, scholars, teachers and students from history and other fields—contributing to a more informed and engaged public. Among its greatest goals, the Lepage Center will strive to have a visible and tangible impact on the way history is taught to future generations.