James Logan and the Networks of Atlantic Culture and Politics, 1699-1751

The McNeil Center for Early American Studies, The Library Company of
Philadelphia, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Stenton Museum
invite proposals for an international interdisciplinary conference in
Philadelphia reconsidering early Pennsylvania culture in an Atlantic World
context. James Logan (1674-1751), Provincial Secretary to the Penn family,
and his vast political, trade and knowledge networks provide a lens for
examination of the Atlantic World in the first half of the eighteenth
century. This conference is an effort to consider Logan’s milieu in the
widest possible way. James Logan studied the sexuality of plants, mentored
Benjamin Franklin and John Bartram, served as Mayor of Philadelphia and
Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, shaped his province’s relationships with
Native Americans, traded furs, owned slaves, was a gentleman-merchant,
book collector, and scholar. His nearly 3,000-volume library remains
intact at the Library Company of Philadelphia. The Historical Society of
Pennsylvania archives include numerous papers collections related to his
activities, and The National Society of The Colonial Dames in America in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania preserves his house, Stenton.
Committed participants include Anthony Grafton of Princeton University,
Bernard Herman of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Gary
B. Nash of the University of California, Los Angeles. Among possible
themes for paper proposals are intellectual history, knowledge networks,
natural and moral philosophy; books, poetry and literature, collecting,
and botany; religion, in particular Quakerism; material culture,
archeology, architecture, houses, foodways, landscapes, land acquisition
and urban development; economics, industry, commerce; gender, servitude,
enslavement and social structure; and politics, imperialism, and
European-Native American interactions.
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies, The Library Company of
Philadelphia, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Stenton Museum
invite proposals for an international interdisciplinary conference in
Philadelphia reconsidering early Pennsylvania culture in an Atlantic World
context. James Logan (1674-1751), Provincial Secretary to the Penn family,
and his vast political, trade and knowledge networks provide a lens for
examination of the Atlantic World in the first half of the eighteenth
century. This conference is an effort to consider Logan’s milieu in the
widest possible way. James Logan studied the sexuality of plants, mentored
Benjamin Franklin and John Bartram, served as Mayor of Philadelphia and
Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, shaped his province’s relationships with
Native Americans, traded furs, owned slaves, was a gentleman-merchant,
book collector, and scholar. His nearly 3,000-volume library remains
intact at the Library Company of Philadelphia. The Historical Society of
Pennsylvania archives include numerous papers collections related to his
activities, and The National Society of The Colonial Dames in America in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania preserves his house, Stenton – See more at: http://march.rutgers.edu/2013/09/19/cfp-james-logan-and-the-networks-of-atlantic-culture-and-politics-1699-1751-2/#sthash.aQWKvuC5.dpuf