“It is Delightful to Recall the Past” The New York Historical Society Returns

The words “It is delightful to recall the past” appear on the New York Historical Society’s 1904 commemorative gold medal.  As part of its strategic plan (pdf), NYHS rededicated itself to its community, proclaiming “we believe history has the power to change lives.”   The plan led to a three-year, $65 million renovation project that limited access to the institution and its collections at the Central Park West location.

With new multi-media displays and interactives, the changes are promising delight, but so too do the less technologically dependent displays.  History Manholes consists of twelve exhibit cases flush with the floor.  Visitors receive an introduction to urban archeology and the notion that history is everywhere, even under our feet. For more information on the changes undertaken by the New York Historical Society, visit newyorkhistoryblog.com.

The New York Historical Society is reopening its doors at 11:00 am on November 11, 2011.  It will remain open until 11:00pm.  Veterans and active service members and children under age 13 are admitted for free.  All visitors are admitted free of charge after 6pm.

(From New York History Blog and NYHS)