"In Her Own Right" Women's History Website Launches

Visitors will be able to view primary documents and digital exhibitions related to the first century of the American women's rights movement.

The Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCI) has launched its new women’s history website, “In Her Own Right: Women Asserting their Civil Rights, 1820-1920.” The website is built on research on 46 documentary collections in PACSCI affiliated institutions, and was made possible by a Foundation grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visitors will be able to view primary documents and digital exhibitions related to the first century of the American women’s rights movement with special focus on women of color, women in medicine, and philanthropy. “In Her Own Right” is a work in progress and contains only a small portion of the material surveyed. PACSCI hopes to expand on it in the future to create a resource to complement other women’s history websites and repositories in the Philadelphia area.