HSP Launches New Digital History Exhibit

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania? announces the launch of a new digital history project titled Politics in Graphic Detail: Exploring History through Political Cartoons.

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania announces the launch of a new digital history project titled Politics in Graphic Detail: Exploring History through Political Cartoons. Politics in Graphic Detail: Exploring History through Political Cartoons features historic political cartoons that have been annotated, transcribed, and encoded in XML following Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 guidelines. This exhibit is a product of HSP’s Historic Images, New Technologies (HINT) project, a two-year project funded by the NHPRC to enhance to enhance discoverability and description of collection items, particularly of graphic materials, and encourage content-sharing and linking among fellow institutions and scholars.

You can visit the digital exhibit site here and TEI documentation for this project is available at https://github.com/hsp-it/cartoons.

To learn more about the HINT project, check out our project page at http://hsp.org/hint.

Launch Event: On Wednesday September 16, 2015, from 6:00-7:30pm, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) will host an event to premier the digital history exhibit, Politics in Graphic Detail: Exploring History through Political Cartoons. The digital exhibit will showcase a new open source image viewer and historic political cartoons that have been encoded in XML following Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 guidelines. Please join HSP on September 16th at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania as project staff will discuss and demonstrate the features of the new site. This will be followed by a document display featuring political cartoons, including original Thomas Nast artwork, and a reception.

Please register for this free event at http://hsp.org/calendar/politics-in-graphic-detail-exploring-history-through-political-cartoons.

From: Tamara Gaskell