Historical Society of Washington’s Research Library Reopens

The Historical Society of Washington’s Kiplinger Research Library celebrated its homecoming yesterday, as the library reopened in its old location at the Carnegie Library building at Mount Vernon Square.

In 2016, the Carnegie Library building closed for renovations following a new lease with tech company Apple. During this time, the Kiplinger Research Library moved to a location within the Newseum. The Research Library now occupies the second floor of the reopened building, while the bottom floor is an Apple retail location.

The move allowed Historical Society staff to take stock of its collection, which includes manuscripts, books, photographs, and postcards, and assess it for damage. During the renovation, the research library added four new storage areas. This renovation allows the library to store ninety-five percent of its holdings on-site, making obtaining materials for researchers faster and easier. While the renovation has lead to some much needed improvements, the research library is still fundraising for certain critical needs. The library aims to raise funds to preserve its Real Estate Atlas collection, buy chairs to expand public programs, and digitize its microfilm collection, among other goals.

The Historical Society’s exhibit spaces reopened in the Carnegie building last May. Since then, the galleries have attracted 25,000 visitors, more than the society’s total visitation in 2016.