Historical Society of Pennsylvania Offering Three Fellowships for 2015-2016 Academic Year

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has announced it will award two one-month Balch Institute Fellowships in Ethnic History and one Albert M. Greenfield Fellowship in Twentieth-Century history for the 2015-2016 academic year.

From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania:

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has announced it will award two one-month Balch Institute Fellowships in Ethnic History and one Albert M. Greenfield Fellowship in Twentieth-Century history for the 2015-2016 academic year.

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, enriched by the holdings of the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies, holds more than 19 million personal, organizational, and business manuscripts, as well 560,000 printed items and 312,000 graphic images concerning national and regional political, social, and family history. The Historical Society’s archives richly document the social, cultural, and economic history of a region central to many aspects of the nation’s development from colonial times to the 20th century. The Balch Institute collections bring the HSP strength in documenting ethnic and immigrant history, with significant holdings of ethnic newspapers, records of benevolent societies and other local and national ethnic organizations, and personal papers of prominent leaders in ethnic and immigrant communities.

The Balch Institute fellowships enable research on topics related to the ethnic and immigrant experience in the United States and/or American cultural, social, political, or economic history post-1875. Previous fellows have done research on immigrant children, Italian American fascism, German Americans in the Civil War, Pan-Americanism, and African American women’s political activism.

The stipend is $2,000. Fellowships are tenable for any one-month period between June 2015 and May 2016. They support advanced, postdoctoral, and dissertation research. Deadline for receipt of applications is March 1, 2015, with a decision to be made by April 15.

To apply, visit http://www.librarycompany.org/fellowships/coversheet.htm, fill out a required electronic cover sheet, and submit one portable document format (PDF) containing a résumé and a 2-4 page description of the proposed research. One letter of recommendation, in PDF format, should be submitted at http://www.librarycompany.org/fellowships/letters.htm. If you wish you apply for more than one fellowship, simply check more than one box on your electronic cover sheet.

For more information on applying, contact Tamara Gaskell, Director of Publications and Scholarly Programs at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania at (215) 732 6200 x208, e-mail tgaskell (at) hsp (dot) org.