Heinz History Center Plans For New Storage Space & Conservation Center

The Sen. John Heinz History Center received a $5 million gift from the estate of the late William S. Dietrich II, a longtime trustee.  The Center will use the gift to renovate a neighboring building into the William S. Dietrich II Museum Support Center, a climate-controlled storage space.

The intended storage building will be connected to the Heinz Center by an enclosed sky bridge.  The structure will be twenty feet long and wide enough to allow staff to move even the largest vehicle in the collection, a 1941 Cadillac Hearse.  The building will include an open storage space on the fourth floor, which will allow visitors to see non-exhibit objects.

The Center has plans to incorporate a dual conservation and education center on the first floor.  Here, a full-time curator will advise visitors on the current status of their objects and and offer suggestions on methods and costs of any needed conservation.  They will also host workshops on topics like photograph preservation and digitization.

(From post-gazette.com)