Getting Your House (Museum) In Order Workshop

This one day- workshop is open to volunteer and professional stewards of historic house museums who are looking to improve the preservation and interpretation of their site.

This one day- workshop is open to volunteer and professional stewards of historic house museums who are looking to improve the preservation and interpretation of their site. The course provides in-depth information about the planning documents that serve as the foundation for preserving, maintaining and interpreting historic house museums. The workshop will focus on the components of each plan and how, together, the plans become the framework for site management. The workshop includes a tour of Liberty Hall as a case study based on information presented.

Topics to be covered:
•Why plan in the first place?
•First step: Historic Structure Report
•Building on the Historic Structure Report
•Safety and Accessibility
•Working with consultants
•Tour of Liberty Hall


*Dominique Hawkins, Partner, Managing Principal, Preservation Design Partnership
*Dorothy Hartman, Principal, History in the Making


Getting Your House (Museum) in Order – Foundation Documents for Managing Your Historic Property
April 25, 2015, 8:30am – 4:00pm
Kean University, Union, NJ

$75 fee (includes lunch) 

Click here to register.
For more information and directions to Kean, click here.

Contact Jonathan Mercantini, Ph.D., Chair, Department of History at Kean University at (908) 737-0258 or

From: H-New Jersey