Get to Know MARCH at Conferences This Fall

MARCH will have a presence at several Mid-Atlantic and national conferences this fall.  Each of the panels we have organized seeks to encourage conversations among practitioners of public humanities in many settings, from museums and historic sites to universities and private consulting firms.  Please join us!

We begin at the American Association for State and Local History on Sept. 17 in Richmond, Va., with a session titled “The Bicentennial Impact: Legacies of Commemoration.”  This panel, intended to encourage reflection on current commemorations of the Civil War, looks back to 1976 from the perspectives of Barbara Silberman, museum consultant; Ajena Rogers of the National Park Service; and Todd Bennett of East Carolina University.  Also ahead this fall:

  • Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, Oct. 9-12, Baltimore:  At a roundtable session on Oct. 10, join MARCH advisory council members Shan Holt, director of the Sandy Spring Museum, and V. Chapman-Smith of the National Archives to explore the issues of “Museums and Scholarship: Creating Collaborations for Cutting-Edge Content.”  In addition to sharing valuable practical advice, the participants in this session will help to shape the new MARCH staff seminars project, which will match scholars with the needs of museums and historic sites.
  • Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association, Nov. 3-5, Philadelphia:  At this conference we encourage attention to the characteristics of the Mid-Atlantic region with the session “In Search of a Mid-Atlantic Culture.”   Two sessions in the urban culture area of the conference will invite participation in shaping the popular culture content of The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, a MARCH-based project.

For more information and registration for these and other conferences, visit our conference calendar (right).  For those in the Philadelphia area, also look for new programs in the Greater Philadelphia Roundtable series, listed on the web site for The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia.