George Washington's Diamond Eagle on Display in Philadelphia

The medal was designed by Pierre L'Enfant, most famous for the city plan of Washington, D.C., and was presented to Washington by the French Navy in 1784

The Diamond Eagle of the Society of the Cincinnati medal presented to George Washington for his service in the American Revolution has returned to Philadelphia for the first time in 233 years. It is currently on display at the Museum of the American Revolution. The medal was designed by Pierre L’Enfant, most famous for the city plan of Washington, D.C., and was presented to Washington by the French Navy in 1784. The museum, which opened in April 2017, also recently acquired a newly-discovered L’Enfant painting of General Washington’s War Tent, the only known contemporary depiction of his battlefield headquarters, which serves as the museum’s marquee exhibit. The medal will be on display adjacent to the War Tent Theatre until March 3.