Gardening with History: Planning and Practice

From The Morris Arboretum at the University of Pennsylvania:

The Philadelphia region leads the nation in garden heritage sites. How do our historic landscape stewards sustain both garden and mission in the 21st century? What are best practices and opportunities? This conference explores how we govern, interpret, curate and plan. Keynote speaker Peter Hatch, former Director of Gardens and Grounds at Monticello brings a wealth of insight. Charles Birnbaum, Director of the Cultural Landscape Foundation shares regional models for collaborative marketing. Lauren Otten, the director of the Non-Profit Center at LaSalle University, examines advisory board development. Local historic garden directors address adaptive reuse, gardening with a mission, interpretation and sustaining our gardens’ relevance to the community. Participants enjoy connection and information sharing among historic garden leaders, practitioners and enthusiasts. Registration limited to 75 participants.

 For printed brochure requests or more information, contact (215) 247-5777, ext. 125 or
Registration is available online.  Early bird registration (by May 1) is $65.  After May 1 registration costs $85.