FEMA information for history and art organizations – deadline extended to Jan 29

From H-NJ:

Dear Colleagues:

The New Jersey Historical Commission and New Jersey State Council on the
Arts have been coordinating with New Jersey’s Storm Recovery Office and
FEMA officials to help provide information about filing for public
assistance to all members of New Jersey’s cultural community. The deadline
for filing for public assistance has been extended to January 29, 2013,
and we are asking you to help us spread the word to constituents in your
respective counties.

Please take a moment to reach out again to individual artists and all
cultural organizations in your county and make sure that they are both
aware of the advantages of filing for public assistance and the new
deadline. Please be sure to remind them that it is wise to apply for
assistance if you have any reason to do so. Later on applicants can always
decide not to accept aid in the form of direct payments or loans, but it
will not be possible to submit an application after the deadline has

If you or your constituents have any questions about filing with FEMA,
information is posted on the websites for both NJHC and NJSCA. Staff of
both agencies are also happy to assist with information or referrals.

Thank you all for your assistance in helping us spread the word about this
vital assistance to our state’s vibrant and diverse cultural community.

With appreciation,

Nicholas Paleologos
Executive Director
New Jersey State Council on the Arts

Sara Cureton
Executive Director
New Jersey Historical Commission