Fall issue of Pennsylvania Legacies available

From H-Pennsylvania:

The Fall issue of Pennsylvania Legacies is now available online and in print.  Visit JSTOR or  http://hsp.org/publications/pennsylvania-legacies/the-irish-in-pennsylvania to access this special issue focusing on the Irish in Pennsylvania.

Maurice J. Bric, “Celebrating America and Remembering Ireland: Philadelphia’s Irish, 1790-1850”

Margaret Lynch-Brennan, “Bridget in Philadelphia: The Irish Servant Girl, 1840-1930”

Kevin Kenny, “The ‘Molly Maguires,’ the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and the Bloody Summer of 1875”

Kenneth J. Heineman, “Charles Owen Rice & Philip Murray: Irish Apostles of Pennsylvania Labor”

The issue also includes a Food for Thought by Siobhan Lyon, exec. dir. of the Irish Immigration Center of Philadelphia a titled “Help Wanted—All Irish Need Apply,” which discusses the issues facing the Irish community today and the ways in which the past can provide guidance for engaging young Irish Americans in creating a legacy for the future.

Rachel Moloshok contributes an essay highlighting some of the political cartoons in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania collection, “A Cartoon View of Irish Nationalism.”

The issue also includes a related lesson plan, tips for using the articles in the classroom, and book and website reviews.

Pennylvania Legacies is available as a benefit of membership in HSP and also by subscription. Individual issues are also available for sale. For questions, please contact the editor, Tamara Gaskall, at tgaskell@hsp.org.