Event: MITH Digital Dialogue: Bill Ferster, "Historical Interactive Visualization: Coaxing Data to Tell Stories

From Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities:

On Tuesday, April 3, 12:30-1:45 pm,  the Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities is hosting “Historical Interactive Visualization: Coaxing Data to Tell Stories,” as part of its Digital Dialogue series.  The speaker, Bill Ferster, directs the VisualEyes Project at the University of Virginia.  His talk will look at interactive visualization projects done using the visualization authoring tool, VisualEyes, developed at UVa.

VisualEyes enables scholars to present selected primary source materials and research findings while encouraging active inquiry and hands-on learning among general and targeted audiences. It communicates through the use of dynamic displays that organize and present meaningful information in both traditional and multimedia formats, such as audio-video, animation, charts, maps, data, and interactive timelines.

The talk will be held in the Human Computer Interaction Lab, 2117 Hornbake Library (South).  It is free and open to the public.  MITH archives podcasts of their events for those unable to attend.  They also encourage you to access their Digital Dialogues Twitter account, @digdialog (#mithdd) as a means of following the conversation.