Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Seeking Input on Strategic Plan

The Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs is seeking public feedback to help develop its new strategic plan.

The Division is working with Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Development to create a strategic plan for financial years 2022 through 2026. As part of the plan, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Development will be conducting surveys and holding town halls with the public. The goal is to gather thoughts on how the division interprets and preserves the state’s history, as well as learn more about the community it serves. The new strategic plan will have a particular emphasis on diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion, and surveys aim to identify barriers to equitable access to historic sites.

Three targeted surveys can be completed online from June 1 through June 15. The first is aimed at division partners and organizations that work with the division. The second is for history and preservation professionals, and the third is for all community members and visitors.

The Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Development will also hold three virtual town halls throughout June that will be open to all. Each town hall will focus on themes that have emerged from interviews and the the division’s Strategic Planning Working Group. Online registration for the town halls is required.