Preservation Delaware Announces Small Grants Program

Most grants will reach a maximum of $1,000, yet, in some special cases, amounts of up to $4,000 have been awarded.

From the start of the Small Grants Program, run through Delaware Preservation Fund, over 180 small grants have been awarded throughout the state of Delaware. Most grants will reach a maximum of $1,000, yet, in some special cases, amounts of up to $4,000 have been awarded.

The Delaware Preservation Fund, a subsidiary of Preservation Delaware, is dedicated to the preservation of the historic built-environment in Delaware. The grants support qualified improvements to historic properties and offer short-term loans at below market terms for larger projects. Improvements must observe the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.

The grants are awarded by the Fund every January and applications  for this year’s eligibility must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2015. Applications may be submitted after this date, but, applications turned in on time will be given preference in the reviewing process.

Corporations, partnerships, individuals, non-profit and religious organizations, and governmental entities within the state lines of Delaware are eligible to receive the small grants. The Small Grants Program is carefully constructed to assist those who would not regularly qualify for forms of financial help.

There is a specific form that must be finished and submitted, which can be found on this webpage. Along with the form, applicants must include a cover letter and a few non-returnable photographs.

All forms and documentation must be addressed to the Delaware Preservation Fund’s PO Box 92 located in New Castle, DE 19720. Applications will also be accepted by fax: 302-832-0139. No email forms or pictures will be considered. Vince Murphy can be reached through email at or by phone at 443-504-2049.

Applicants will be notified of their outcome by February. All work covered by the grants must be completed within twelve months of reception.
