Craig Lukezic Honored by the Archaeological Society of Virginia

At its annual meeting on Oct. 15, 2011 in Staunton, Va., the Archaeological Society of Virginia named Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs archaeologist and Delaware Archaeological Society president Craig Lukezic as its 2011 Out-of-State Archaeologist of the Year. The award is made to an out-of-state recipient who has contributed in an outstanding fashion to Virginia archaeology.

Lukezic has had a long history of involvement with Virginia archaeology. He served for many years as an archaeologist with the Virginia Department of Transportation and was an active member of the Roanoke chapter of the Archaeological Society of Virginia. After moving to Delaware, he worked with Virginia archaeologists in developing a certification program for Delaware that was patterned after the one used in Virginia. Lukezic is active in the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference and continues to participate in archaeological excavations in Virginia, as well as those in Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

(From DE Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs)