Conference: Talking Business: Oral History and the History of Enterprises

From the Hagley Museum and Library:

The Hagley conference “Talking Business: Oral History and the History of Enterprises” will be held on Friday, November 2, in the Soda House of the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware.

Registration is free but required.  Please email Carol Lockman, for more information, or call 302.658.2400, ext. 244.

Schedule is available after the break.



1:00-1:45: Keynote Address
Robert Perks (British Library), “Corporate and Business Oral History: The Opportunities and Challenges”

1:45-3:30: Banking, Science, Entrepreneurship
William Becker (George Washington University), “Oral History and the World Bank”
David Caruso (Chemical Heritage Foundation), “Documenting Science-based Businesses”
Sally Hughes (University of California, Berkeley Regional Oral History Office), “Venture Capitalists”

3:45-5:00: Music and Food
Mary Marshall Clark (Columbia Center for Oral History) “The story of a culture business: The Apollo Theater Oral History Project”
Amy C. Evans (Southern Foodways Alliance), “The stories behind the making of Southern food”

5:00: Closing Address
Doug Boyd (Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky), “Oral History and the Possibilities of Digital Technology”

5:45: Reception

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