Conference: Public History in the Digital Age

The Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG) and Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) have announced a joint conference on Public History in the Digital Age to be held April 4-5, 2013 in College Park, Maryland.

The program committee invites participants to broadly interpret the conference theme, “Public History in the Digital Age.” Topics might include the historiography of oral history practice and theory; the impact of technology on the practice and sharing of public history; the challenges of managing and distributing data in the digital age; the evolving relationship between public history and the web; oral history programs in federal history offices; and research in the history of the federal government. This expansive conference theme is intended to encourage a lively conversation among oral historians, archivists, and public historians.

Registration is open to members, students and nonmembers.  Register online at the SHFG website.