Conference: James Logan and the Networks of Atlantic Culture and Politics, 1699-1751

From H-Pennsylvania:

The McNeil Center for Early American Studies, The Library Company of Philadelphia, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Stenton Museum are hosting an international interdisciplinary conference in
Philadelphia that reconsiders early Pennsylvania culture in an Atlantic World context. James Logan (1674-1751), Provincial Secretary to the Penn family, and his vast political, trade and knowledge networks provide a lens for
examination of the Atlantic World in the first half of the eighteenth century. This conference is an effort to consider Logan’s milieu in the widest possible way. James Logan studied the sexuality of plants, mentored Benjamin Franklin and John Bartram, served as Mayor of Philadelphia and Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, shaped his province’s relationships with Native Americans, traded furs, owned slaves, was a gentleman-merchant, book collector, and scholar.

The conference will be held September 18-20, 2014.