Conference: IMLS WebWise 2013

WebWise 2013 is set for March 6-8, 2013 at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace in Baltimore, MD and the theme will be “Putting the Learner at the Center.”

In 2013, WebWise will fully embrace the conference theme, stealing a page from unconferences and THATCamps, by featuring a participatory and interactive format. The new format extends last year’s successful WiseCamp pre-conference and responds to conference participants’ calls for more “hands-on” and collaborative sessions by featuring participant-chosen workshops (suggest topics now usingIdeaScale), project demonstrationsproject incubation working groups, and lightning talks all designed to foster opportunities for collaboration and learning.  Registration for the conference is now open.

Since 2000, the WebWise conference has brought together representatives of museums, libraries, archives, systems science, education, and other fields interested in the future of high-quality online content for inquiry and learning. This annual conference highlights recent research and innovations in digital technology, explores their potential impacts on library and museum services, and promotes effective museum and library practices in the digital environment. It also provides recipients of technology-based grants from the Institute with an opportunity to showcase their exemplary projects.