Conference: From Conquest to Identity: New Jersey and the Middle Colonies in the Seventeenth Century

From H-New Jersey:

A conference, ” From Conquest to Identity: New Jersey and the Middle Colonies in the Seventeenth Century” will be co-sponsored by the McNeil Center for Early American Studies, the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, the New Jersey Historical Commission, and Kean University.  The conference will be held March 27-29, 2014 in Trenton, NJ.  Confirmed participants include Charles Gehring, Evan Haefeli, Ned C. Landsman, Robert C. Ritchie, and the members of the program committee: Wayne Bodle, Stanley N. Katz, Christian Koot, Maxine N. Lurie, Jonathan Mercantini, Daniel K. Richter, and Cynthia Van Zandt.