Common-place explores latest American Revolution scholarship

From H-Net:

The American Antiquarian Society’s has published its spring issue of Common-place.  The issue is a collection of remarks and video footage from the 2013 conference, The American Revolution Reborn, that took place in Philadelphia.  Conference papers will be published later in book form.   In addition to the conference content, readers will find book reviews, a material culture study of Cecilia Lewis’s silk map of the United States, and more.  Conference contents after the jump.

Patrick Spero and Michael Zuckerman, Introduction: The Conception of a Conference

Trever Burnard, The American Revolution, the West Indies, and the Future of Plantation British America

Edward Countryman, What Changed During the American Revolution?

Kathleen DuVal, A Revolutionary Future

Christine Leigh Heyrman, Religion, Revolution, and the Early Republic Revisited

David Hsiung, The Rich Diversity of the Edge

Marjoleine Kars, Opting Out

Li Jianming, The Prospect and Challenges of Rewriting the History of the American Revolution

Margaretta M. Lovell, Art, Violence, and the American Revolution

Markus Rediker, “Human Fire Fierce Glowing”

Claudio Saunt, Twenty-First Century Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century

Thomas P. Slaughter, Whose Side are you On?  Or, Pitt and the Pendulum

Peter Thompson, Local Safety, National Violence

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Revolution Reborn