CFP: Ulster-American Heritage Symposium Program 1

From the Ulster-American Heritage Symposium:

The first program of the XX Ulster-American Heritage Symposium will be hosted by Quinnipiac University and Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum, Hamden, Connecticut, from Wednesday June 18 to Saturday June 21, 2014. The special theme of the program at Quinnipiac will be: ‘Hunger, Poverty and Migration: A Transatlantic Perspective’.

The organizers of the conference are particularly keen to receive proposals relating to the following themes:

Famine and transatlantic subsistence migration in all historic periods including and in addition to the Great Famine (1845-52)

Famine and transatlantic subsistence migration from all provinces of Ireland including Ulster

Famine and transatlantic subsistence migration among all religious persuasions

Famine and transatlantic subsistence migration in the context of the continent of North America

The commemoration and representation of hunger, poverty and migration

Deadline for proposals for individual papers or panels: October 4, 2013. Papers from graduate students or new scholars are particularly welcome. Proposals – in a single electronic file – should include title and abstract (250 words) with cover letter indicating your name, postal and email addresses, phone number, institutional affiliation (if any), equipment needs and biographical paragraph.

Please send electronically to Professor Christine Kinealy and Dr Gerard Moran: and

Notice of acceptance will be made no later than November 15, 2013, at which time presenters will receive confirmation of acceptance and information on accommodation and other local arrangements. Overseas presenters will receive complimentary accommodation at the York Hill Campus of Quinnipiac University. Quinnipiac University, 275 Mount Carmel Ave, Hamden, CT 06518. ?