CFP: Ulster-American Heritage Symposium Part 2

CALL FOR PAPERS (Athens) T.R.R. Cobb House and University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, June 25-28 2014.

The second program of the Ulster-American Heritage Symposium will be hosted by the T.R.R. Cobb House and the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, Wednesday June 25 to Saturday June 28. The special theme of the program at Athens will be ‘Contacts, Contests, and Contributions: Ulster-Americans in War and Society’. The aim will be to explore the transatlantic emigration, settlement and continued experience of people from the north of Ireland, and to present new research that challenges habitual ways of thinking about these emigrants, their roles in American life, and their legacies.

We invite especially new scholarship in two areas:

1) Interactions with indigenous peoples (especially the Cherokee Nation) and other groups in North America such as German Americans and African Americans over the past four centuries; and

2) Participation in the American Civil War by emigrants from Ireland and their descendants, building on what has been written to date on the role of Ireland for the Union and to a lesser extent for the Confederacy.

With the United States in the midst of commemorating the war’s Sesquicentennial, it seems appropriate to expand upon those of Ulster background, Scotch-Irish or otherwise. Added emphasis will be placed on encouraging new scholars from graduate programs across the country and beyond to become involved in furthering our knowledge of Ulster-American heritage.

Deadline for proposals for individual papers or panels: December 2, 2013. Proposals should include title and abstract (250 words) with cover letter indicating your name, postal and email addresses, phone number, institutional affiliation (if any), equipment needs and biographical paragraph. Send electronically to: Send by surface mail to: Program Committee, Twentieth Ulster-American Heritage Symposium, c/o T.R.R. Cobb House, 175 Hill Street, Athens, GA 30601, USA. Address inquiries to the Co-Chairs of the Program Committee: Michael Montgomery ( or Richard MacMaster (

Notice of acceptance will be made no later than January 15, 2014, at which time presenters will receive confirmation of acceptance and information on hotels and local arrangements. Registration fees will be waived for presenters, and overseas presenters will receive complimentary accommodations. Sam Thomas, Curator T.R.R. Cobb House 175 Hill Street Athens, GA 30601 706.369.3513 phone 706.354.1054 fax