CFP: The Public Historian Seeks Articles on the Historian as Expert Witness

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CFP: THE PUBLIC HISTORIAN Seeks Articles on the Historian as Expert Witness

THE PUBLIC HISTORIAN invites proposals for articles to be published in a special issue of the journal that examines the historian as expert witness in the adjudication of natural resources in North America, including but not limited to issues surrounding property, water, and mineral rights. Proposals that discuss issues and problems of historical consulting and expert witness testimony across North America (Native American/First Nations, Canada, United States, Mexico) are especially encouraged. For example, a proposed essay might address the nature and scope of your work as a consultant and expert
witness, contextualize your recruitment to particular cases, evaluate aspects of your work (deposition, trial testimony, research, and consultation), consider a body of work generated by particular litigation, examine judicial criteria for determining historical expertise on a given subject, identify and evaluate the tensions or challenges of presenting your expertise in litigation, or critically analyze the substance and effect of historical expert witness work on your discipline. Proposals for alternative formats, such as conversations among experts in one field or with attorneys or judges on the claims, composition, and effects of historical expertise on a particular case, will also be welcome. Proposals, which should be no longer than one double-spaced page, should be submitted to The Public Historian at

Deadline for submission is March 1, 2013. Selected authors will be notified by April 1, 2013. Articles will be due by August 1, 2013 and subject to peer review. Publication of the special issue of The Public Historian is expected in 2014 (Volume 36).