CFP: The Paterson Silk Strike Centennial Conference, 1913-2013

From H-NJ:

The William Paterson University of New Jersey (WPUNJ) is seeking papers
for its upcoming conference commemorating the centennial of the 1913
Paterson Silk Strike. The conference, to be held on the WPUNJ campus on
Monday, May 20, 2013, will take a multidisciplinary approach to the
history and multiple legacies of the silk strike.

Our morning plenary speaker will be Professor Steve Golin, author of “The
Fragile Bridge: Paterson Silk Strike, 1913.”

Potential themes for papers include but are not limited to: economic and
industrial change, the silk industry in New Jersey, labor history and
activism, immigrant experiences and cultures, women and the strike,
socialism and political radicalism, the International Workers of the World
and other union organizations, strategies and tactics in the strike, urban
politics in early twentieth century New Jersey, the mill owners and their
policies, the role of the police, media and cultural representations of
the strike, the Paterson Strike Pageant, varieties of solidarity, and the
aftermath of the strike.

We encourage papers from established academics, early career scholars,
independent scholars, graduate students, and activists.

Proposals are invited for single papers or panels. For a single paper
please submit up to 250 words along with a short biographical note, your
organization (if any) and contact details.

Prospective panel organizers should submit up to 500 words along with a
short biographical note and contact details for each speaker.

All proposals should include a working title and a brief description of
the topic to be discussed, including a clear statement as to the central
thesis of the paper or panel. The deadline for the submission of proposals
is March 1, 2013. Proposals, or questions relating to them, should be sent
to the following email address: We will inform
selected presenters by mid-March, 2013.