CFP: The New Faces of War: A Conference for Historians and Activists

From H-Public:

Historians Against the War invites proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops for our upcoming national conference at Towson University, Baltimore, Maryland, April 5-7, 2013, co-sponsored by the Towson U. College of Liberal Arts.

We envision a conference that will attract historically minded scholars, activists from a variety of social movements, graduate students, educators, artists, and independent researchers and writers. We see the theme, “The New Faces of War,” as a chance to reflect on the myriad ways in which war making has changed in these early years of the 21st century. We want to explore such topics as the emergence of protracted US wars that stay below the radar of public debate, the concentration of war powers in the office of the president (e.g., the “kill list”), the downplaying of US “boots on the ground” in favor of
drone warfare and the human toll in foreign countries, the outsourcing of military functions to private corporations, the militarization of policing in the US itself, the legalization of torture, and the proliferation of spying on US citizens in tandem with denial of citizen access to government records. We also seek to explore the connections between militarism, war, and the current economic crisis, as well as appropriate strategies for opposing war and militarism in their new forms. We want to analyze the role of antiwar movements past and present.

In addition to the presentation of academic papers, we encourage interactive formats that promote open dialogue and collective learning among people on the program and members of the audience. Thus we welcome proposals for roundtables and workshops that engage, for example, with activism or teaching.

Proposals are due by 30 October 2012. Please include a title and a short (perhaps 200-300 words) description of your proposed contribution (including each part of a group proposal, as in a panel with three papers or a roundtable with four participants), a short bio for each contributor or participant, and complete contact information. For group proposals, please make every effort to put together a balanced and diverse group of contributors or participants. Submit your proposal electronically to

Any questions may also be sent to