CFP: Society of Architectural Historians 66th Annual Conference

From the Society of Architectural Historians:

The Society of Architectural Historians is now accepting abstracts for papers for its 66th Annual Conference in Buffalo, NY, April 10-14, 2013. Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words no later than June 1st for one of the thematic sessions listed here. There will also be open sessions for those whose research does not match any of the themed sessions. Those submitting to the open sessions will follow the same deadline and process as those submitting to a thematic session. This is a change from previous call for papers. Only one abstract per author or co-author may be submitted. SAH is using an online abstract submission process – please do not send your abstract to the session chair’s email address as this will delay the review of your abstract or possibly void your submission.

If submitting to a thematic session, send your CV to the appropriate session chair and the SAH office. If submitting to the open session, send your CV to the SAH office only.

Abstracts should define the subject and summarize the argument to be presented in the proposed paper. The content of that paper should be the product of well-documented original research that is primarily analytical and interpretative rather than descriptive in nature. Papers cannot have been previously published or presented in public except to a small, local audience. All abstracts will be held in confidence during the review and selection process and only the session chair and General Chair will have access to them.