CFP: Sixth Biennial Urban History Association Conference

The Program Committee seeks submissions for panels, roundtable
discussions, and individual papers on all aspects of urban, suburban,
and metropolitan history for the Sixth Biennial Urban History
Conference in New York City on October 26-28, 2012.  The UHA Program
is pleased to announce that Columbia University will serve as the
local host for this year’s conference.

In particular, we encourage papers that explore the theme of the
Cosmopolitan Metropolis.  This encompasses issues of ethnic and social
diversity and economic and cultural globalism in the richly varied
metropolises of the United States and the world.  We seek
contributions that pertain to all types of metropolitan history not
only in North America but in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Australia,
and Africa.  Sessions on ancient and pre-modern as well as modern
periods are welcome.  Graduate student submissions are encouraged.

We prefer complete panels but individual papers are also welcome.
Please designate a single person to serve as a contact for all
complete panels.  For traditional panels, include a brief explanation
of the overall theme, a one-page abstract of each paper, and a one or
two page c.v. for each participant.  Roundtable proposals should also
designate a contact person and submit a one page theme synopsis and a
one or two page c.v. for each presenter.  All those submitting
individual papers should include a one-page abstract and a one or two
page c.v.

E-mail submissions by March 15, 2012 to Janet R. Bednarek
at .  Submissions should be included
in attachments as either Word (2003 or 2007) or Word Perfect

As part of the conference the UHA will organize workshops for
graduate students writing dissertations in urban and suburban history.
Students who have written a prospectus and who wish to participate in
a workshop should apply with a two to four page letter of interest by
March 15, 2012 to