CFP: Public History in the Digital Age

The Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG) and Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) announce a joint conference to be held April 4–5, 2013, at National Archives II in College Park, Maryland.

The program committee invites participants to broadly interpret the conference theme, “Public History in the Digital Age.” Topics might include the historiography of oral history practice and theory; the impact of technology on the practice and sharing of public history; the challenges of managing and distributing data in the digital age; the evolving relationship between public history and the web; oral history programs in federal history offices; and research in the history of the federal government. This expansive conference theme is intended to encourage a lively conversation among oral historians, archivists, and public historians.

The program committee invites entire panels and roundtables, as well as individual papers. We encourage presentations that include audio/visual components. We welcome proposals from graduate students, federal historians, public historians, archivists, oral historians, information technology professionals, enterprise architects, and scholars from other disciplines. We encourage panels composed of practitioners with a variety of backgrounds and experiences in these topics.

Paper proposals should include a brief abstract of 250-500 words, a biographical paragraph about the author, and contact information. Panel proposals should include brief abstracts for each paper as well as biographical paragraphs and contact information for each presenter.

Deadline for proposals is January 18, 2013.

Please send all correspondence, including questions and proposals, to

Please visit SHFG and OHMAR’s websites for further information.