CFP: Pennsylvania Historical Association 2014 Annual Meeting

From H-NJ:

The Pennsylvania Historical Association invites proposals for the 2014 PHA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, November 6-8, 2014, at the Doubletree Hotel. The program committee is especially interested in session or paper

proposals that address the conference theme, “The Place of Pennsylvania.”

Topics could include examinations of Pennsylvania as a place, whether geographical, political, or imagined, as well as those that look at the “place” of Pennsylvania in its region(s) (mid-Atlantic, Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, Northeast, etc.), the nation, and the world. Papers or sessions on particular places, or sites, within Pennsylvania, or on events that are

tied to specific places or sites are also encouraged. The committee also welcomes sessions that look at the role of place in public history or of the history of local communities or places in teaching. Places are built, inhabited, despoiled, preserved, revitalized and more. This conference seeks to look at the meaning of place, large and small, throughout the

commonwealth’s history.

While the program committee encourages full session proposals, it also accepts proposals for individual papers as well as proposals from undergraduate and graduate students for poster sessions. Proposals must be submitted electronically by February 3, 2014 to:

All participants must be members of the Pennsylvania Historical Association at the time of the meeting.

For further information, please contact Tamara Gaskell (Historical Society of Pennsylvania) at