CFP: "Marching on Washington" 40th Annual Conference on D.C. Historical Studies

The theme for the 40th Annual Conference is “Marching on Washington,”
covering a diverse range of anniversaries: the 1963 Civil Rights March on
Washington, 1973 initiation of modern Home Rule, the centennial of the 1913
Woman Suffrage Procession, and the sesquicentennial of the Emancipation
Proclamation. Conference themes are not exclusive; the presentation of all
new historical research about D.C. is welcome. Past presentations have
considered art, archaeology, architecture, biography, D.C. governance,
demography, geography, law, military, music, neighborhoods, race relations,
schools, as well as oral history techniques and archival collection reviews.

For a flavor of past conferences, see the following programs from previous
years; click:


The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2013. Please email proposals to the
conference committee at


Submit a 200-word abstract of your paper, including your professional title
and institutional affiliation (if applicable), contact information (email),
and audio-visual/IT equipment needs (please indicate PC or Mac and software


Submit a brief description of the session with role of each panelist,
professional titles and institutional affiliations (if applicable), a
200-word abstract for each paper presenter, contact information for the
panel organizer/primary contact, and audio-visual/IT equipment needs (please
indicate PC or Mac and software versions).


Submit a brief description of your film including topic, running time, ages
of audiences for which it is suitable, whether it is a finished piece or
work in progress, and whether you would like additional time for audience
feedback and discussion.

Walking Tour

Submit a description of your tour’s length (running time), location, start
and stop points, and ages of audiences.

Author Talk

Submit a description of your published book including publication date and
indicate whether you are able to sell books on site. Authors selling books
are asked to supply a volunteer to handle transactions without assistance of
conference staff.

Practical Workshop

Submit a description of your workshop including all IT/audio-visual
requirements (please indicate PC or Mac and software versions) as well as
requirements for tables or other display areas.


The History Network marketplace of ideas takes place on Friday, November
15th. Reserve your space now via email:


The 40th Annual Conference on D.C. Historical Studies is co-sponsored by the
Association of Oldest Inhabitants of D.C., the Charles Sumner School Museum
and Archives, Cultural Tourism DC, Friends of Washingtoniana Division, H-DC, the Historical Society of Washington, D.C.,
Rainbow History Project, and the Washingtoniana Division of the D.C. Public


The organizing committee (Matthew Gilmore, chair; Brett Abrams, Johanna
Bockman, Jeffrey Donahoe, Mark Greek, Stephen Hansen, Ida Jones, Chris
Klemek, Jennifer Krafchik, Jane Freundel, Levey, Adam Lewis, Jenny Masur,
John Muller, John Richardson, Gary Scott, Kimberly Springle, Mary Ternes,
Ruth Trocolli, and Kim Zablud) welcomes the assistance of other volunteers
on any of three subcommittees: program, logistics, or publicity. In
addition, volunteers are always needed to help run the conference. If you
are interested in volunteering, please contact: Matthew Gilmore at