CFP: Generations of Oral History

Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) announces its Spring 2012 Conference to be held April 11 in Baltimore, Maryland.

The program committee invites participants to interpret the conference theme, “Generations of Oral History.” Topics might include the historiography of oral history practice and theory; how generations of technology have changed the practice and sharing of oral history; interviewing across generations in classrooms and community settings; the changing pedagogy of oral history methods; oral history and life review; the generation of oral history collections and their management, preservation and use; and the generation of popular enthusiasm for oral history at the grassroots level. OHMAR hopes to encourage a lively conversation among different generations of oral historians.

For more information or questions about the call for papers, please contact the conference chair, David Winkler at Details about the call for papers, proposal submission guidelines, and the conference location are available at OHMAR’s website, Proposals are due no later than January 20, 2012.