CFP: Beyond the Logic of Debt: Towards an Ethic of Collective Dissent

From H-Material Culture:

The Material Culture Caucus of the American Studies Association wishes to
encourage participation in the 2013 Annual Meeting: “Beyond the Logic of
Debt: Towards an Ethic of Collective Dissent,” November 21-24, 2013 at the
Hilton Washington, Washington, DC. To read the conference Call for Papers
please see:

Areas of interest for material culture studies related to the theme include
(but are not limited to):
Consumerism, including credit, layaway, second-hand shopping
Money, credit, mortgages, loans, and other forms of currency
Banks, banking, and the architecture and culture of financial institutions
Objects/Spaces of poverty and luxury
Occupy and other movements of dissent against debt or property
Exhibitions or representations of debt
Spaces and material culture of academic debt and employment

We hope to help link potential panelists with shared interests in material
culture topics. If you, your colleagues, or doctoral students are
considering proposals for the conference, please email us your panel CFP
or your paper idea and we will work to connect similar panelists and
papers. We are also happy to offer suggestions on complete panels.

All interested parties who email us will still be responsible for following
all posted instructions and for submitting their own panels or papers to
the ASA by the ASA deadline (January 26, 2013).

After submitted panels are reviewed and selected by the ASA, the Material
Culture Caucus will select two of those panels as the official
Caucus-sponsored sessions, and will publicize all related papers and panels.

If you are interested, please submit your ideas or abstracts to Sarah
Carter ( and to Bess Williamson ( as soon as possible (and before January 5, 2013).