Dr. Tamara Gaskell will join MARCH, become Co-Editor of The Public Historian

Together with the National Council on Public History (NCPH) and the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), we are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Tamara Gaskell to the position of Public Historian in Residence at MARCH and co-editor of The Public Historian, the flagship journal in the field of public history published by the University of California Press. She will begin the position on September 1, 2015.

Student Community Action Tours: Using the Humanities to Develop Leadership and Inspire Change

In the summer of 2012, middle school students in a leadership training program hosted by the advocacy group Asian Americans United in Philadelphia read about local resistance to plans to locate a new Phillies stadium in Chinatown a decade earlier. They then studied a map of the neighborhood and considered how siting the stadium there might have had different meanings for different groups – people who lived in Chinatown, people who worked there, local government, businesses and real estate companies, and the police, for example.