Call for Sessions: Building Museums Symposium

The Mid-Atlantic Associations of Museums has issued a call for sessions for its annual symposium. Building Museums® 2012 will feature program content that reflects museums of various sizes, disciplines, budgets, collections-orientation, and scope of building projects. Projects of all sizes and budgets are sought and can include: new facilities, preservation, renovation, disaster recovery, and expansion of existing buildings.

The program is organized under three overarching themes: Vision and Early Planning, Implementation of Projects, and Life After Opening…Measuring your Success. The 2012 conference planners welcome case studies of completed projects or those underway; the first person stories of museum leaders and staff engaged in building projects; red flags and creative solutions in planning and implementation; reflections on dealing with life after opening and the realities of surviving in a stressed economy.

Organizers are seeking proposals that address these themes under four topics: Leadership, Financing/Fundraising, Collections and Programs, and Design and Construction.  Three session formats are available to presenters, 90 minute panel presentations, 2.5 hour hands-on workshops and 1 hour Ask the Expert roundtables.   More information on submission requirements and to download the submission form, click here.

Deadline for submissions is November 15, 2011.



The 8th Annual Symposium will be held March 4-6, 2012 in Philadelphia.