NJ Preservation Conference Seeks Proposals for Sessions and Posters

The conference committee is now accepting proposals for workshop topics and posters for use at the conference, which will be held from June 8-9, 2016.

The New Jersey History and Historic Preservation Conference attracts a broad audience of professionals, historic site and museum managers, historic preservation commission members, and more. The conference planning committee seeks to balance its program by offering educational sessions and workshops that target its primary audiences. The 2016 conference, “Building a Place for History,” will be held June 8-9 at Seton Hall University.

The conference planning committee invites those involved in history and historic preservation work to submit a session or workshop proposal. Proposals are due November 23, 2015.

The conference will also feature a Poster Session for students and emerging professionals. The poster session is a great opportunity to present work, share research, and network with colleagues. Proposals are due March 15, 2016. Submission details can be found here.

Submitted by: New Jersey Historic Trust