Call for Session Proposals: PA Museums Annual Statewide Museum Conference

From PA Museums:

The planning committee for PA Museums Annual Statewide Museum Conference has issued a call for session proposals for Authenticity and Relevance, to be held in April 2013.

What keeps Pennsylvania’s museum community alive? We believe our cultural community thrives because our museums and historic resources are real, tangible and powerful. The relevance of our history and sense of place is galvanized by our visitors and connects with the we share together so well.

Pennsylvania’s museum community will join together for our 2013 Annual Statewide Museum Conference in April. The exact site and dates are to be announced. We invite you to share best practices in advocacy, economic and community development, education, and cultural tourism.

The committee is seeking proposals for conference sessions that elaborate on the theme of Authenticity and Relevance, and suggest the following:

  • Partnerships, mergers, and collaborations that have led to increases in the number of visitors
  • How social media has introduced new ways to reach audiences
  • Successful educational programming in changing communities
  • Initiatives and opportunities to share resources or devote more contributed income to programming
  • New technologies and techniques in collections management
  • How to remain true to our institutional missions and collections in changing economic times
  • Authenticity in daily interpretation: remaining historically accurate but relevant to our changing communities
  • Representing who we are and who we want to be in our brand strategy and marketing
  • Quantifying and defining meaningful visitor experiences

The deadline for proposals in November 1, 2012.  Contact  Chrisoula Perdziola at PA Museums, to request Submission Proposal Outlines, (412) 999-4999.