Call for Papers: PMHB Special Issue on Food and Foodways in PA History

The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography is issuing a call for articles to be included in a special issue on food and foodways in Pennsylvania history.

The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography is issuing a call for articles to be included in a special issue on food and foodways in Pennsylvania history, scheduled for publication in October 2018.

The editors seek submissions of the following two sorts.

  • Scholarly Articles: The editors seek submissions of scholarly articles (25–35 pages, double spaced) featuring new research on food and foodways in Pennsylvania. We invite manuscripts that offer fresh perspectives on the influences of immigrant groups (including German and Dutch), agrarian ideals, sustainable food cultures, and differences in the state’s culinary regions. Articles that deal with diversity are especially welcome (Native American and African American foodways; food insecurity; food, gender, and the body; food as a civil rights issue). In addition, we seek articles that place Pennsylvania within larger patterns of regional and national development. Selections will be made based on the quality of the submission and with an eye toward representing the full range of research in food studies.
  • Favorite Sources/Hidden Gems: The editors seek submissions of short articles (250–750 words) featuring favorite sources/hidden gems highlighting some aspect of food and foodways in Pennsylvania history. We invite articles focusing on both written and non-written sources, including but not limited to diaries, manuscript collections, novels, government documents, oral histories, newspapers, photographs, artifacts, and monuments. These items may or may not be found in the state, but they must illuminate some aspect of Pennsylvanians’ experiences with food and foodways. See for examples of such essays.

Submission details: Submissions should be addressed to Christina Larocco, Editor, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 or, by email, to

Guest editors: Potential contributors are strongly encouraged to consult with one of the two guest editors for this issue of the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography before submitting: Psyche Williams-Forson, Associate Professor of American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park (; William Woys Weaver, Independent Historian (

Deadline for submissions: January 1, 2017

From: H-Pennsylvania