Call for Papers: Material Culture Symposium for Emerging Scholars 2012

The Center for Material Culture Studies at the University of Delaware invites submissions for papers to be given at the 10th Annual Material Culture Symposium for Emerging Scholars.  The conference Material Matters, will be held at the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library on April 14, 2012.

Focus: Object-based research has the potential to expand and even reinvent our understanding of culture and history. In honor of the tenth anniversary of the MCSES, we seek a broad range of papers from emerging material culture scholars. Whether exploring the latest theories, viewing existing material through a new lens, or reinterpreting standing historical conversations with an object-based focus, proposed papers should exemplify the possibilities in material culture research. In exploring these material matters, we hope to promote an interdisciplinary discussion on the state of material culture studies today.

Participants will have the opportunity to tour Winterthur’s collection of early American decorative arts and engage in a roundtable discussion on April 13.  Travel grants of up to $300 will be available for presenters.

Submissions: The proposal should be no more than 300 words and should clearly indicate the focus of your object-based research, the critical approach you take toward that research, and the significance of your research beyond the academy.

Deadline:  Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

For more details, please visit the conference website.

(From H-AMSTY & University of Delaware Material Matters website)