Call for Papers: Federal History Journal

Federal History, journal of the Society for History in the Federal Government, seeks articles for its 2017 issue.

Federal History, the journal of the Society for History in the Federal Government, seeks articles for its 2017 issue. Federal History features scholarship on the history of the federal government, including military history, 1776–present. The journal also welcomes articles on methodological issues in federal historical work, including institutional history, archival science, historic preservation, museum studies, oral history, memory studies, web-based history, and other related areas.

Federal History welcomes manuscripts from SHFG members and others working in the federal government, as well as from independent scholars and historians working in public history and academia. Federal History is an open-access journal, with print copies sent to SHFG members.

Click here for the current issue, past issues, and further details on submissions, which should be sent to

Submissions are due September 30, 2016.

From: H-Pennsylvania