CFP (extended): Colloquium on the Americas: Food & Foodways in the Americas

(Organizers have extended the CFP deadline to January 16, 2012)

Organizers of the 4th biennial Mercyhurst Colloquium on the Americas, have issued a call for  papers from any discipline on topics discussing the peoples of the Americas and how they perceive/relate to food and foodways.  This colloquium is an open, interdisciplinary conversation about the economic, political, cultural, demographic, religious, and philosophical aspects of food production, procurement, preparation, consumption and culture, as well as how food is represented in the literary and visual arts. Topics could include (but are not limited to) discussions of heritage foods, Agribusiness, the safety of foods, GMOs, food as artistic inspiration, the hospitality industry, sustainable food communities, and hunger in the Americas.  The colloquium will be held April 13-14, 2012.

Please submit an abstract of 300 words with a cover letter including your name, academic affiliation and the proposal’s title by January 16, 2012, to Christina Riley Brown of Mercyhurst College:

More information on submission guidelines can be found on the colloquium flyer (PDF)

(From H-Pennsylvania)