Call for Nominations: Roger McDonough Librarianship Award

From the New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance:

The NJSAA is soliciting nominations for the annual Roger McDonough Librarianship Award which is given to a librarian, archivist, or manuscript curator for excellence in service in advancing New Jersey Studies.

Nominees for the award should meet the following criteria:

1. Have served for 10 years or more as a librarian, archivist, or manuscripts curator in a New Jersey institution. The nominee could be active or retired from service.

2. Demonstrated a high level of public service to the New Jersey studies research community and/or general public.

To nominate a candidate please state why he/she are deserving of this award, include a cover letter citing significant accomplishments (particular or general) in public service to the New Jersey community, and a career history.

Applications should be sent as e-mail attachments to or to Ronald L. Becker, Special Collections, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-1163 by September 22, 2012.

The award will be presented at Archives and History Day at the Monmouth County Library on October 13, 2012.