Call for bloggers: Join the MARCH Team!

mid-atlantic-mapThe Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers-Camden (MARCH) seeks bloggers on issues and trends in public humanities.  Since the inception of the MARCH website, bloggers have written on such diverse topics as living history, copyright law, project management, and the viability of digitization and digital history projects.

Highly desired are blogs on the following themes: Mid-Atlantic books; training and staff development; digital humanities; graduate student/young professional perspective; and meeting the needs of changing audiences for public humanities.  Other topics will be considered.  Ideal candidates have demonstrable expertise in their proposed topics and  commit to posting at least once per month (12), for a modest honorarium.  The scope of coverage for all blogs will be the region encompassing New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

If interested, please respond by April 30 with an email (no attachments please) describing the scope of your proposed blog and briefly summarizing your credentials.  Finalists will be asked at a later date to submit a sample post and resume.  Send expressions of interest and questions to Mandi Magnuson-Hung, Digital Media Coordinator & Program Assistant, Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers-Camden, by email: