Call for Archive Month volunteers and events

From Archives Month Philly:

Call for Archives Month volunteers:

Are you looking for a way to get involved in the Greater Philadelphia archives community? Do you have a great idea for an Archives Month event? If your answer is yes, then you are in luck! American Archives Month is just a mere five months away and the Archives Month Philly  team is looking for committed volunteers who are eager to get involved and help make this October’s archives month the best yet. There are many ways in which your help is needed. For more information on how to get involved, please send us an email at

Call for Archives Month events:

Last year, more than 20 institutions around the Delaware Valley participated in Archives Month Philly, a celebration of archives, special collections and cultural institutions held annually in October.  Planning for this year’s program has begun and we need YOUR help to build an exciting calendar of events highlighting our collections and the work we do as archivists. Last year’s program featured a diverse array of tours, workshops, screenings, exhibits, and lectures; with so many rich archival resources in the greater Philadelphia area, the sky’s the limit. Interested in developing and/or hosting an event? Contact us at and don’t forget to mark your calendars for Archives Month Philly 2014!   

The Archives Month Philly team