Bergen County Historical Society is hosting Authors’ Day at Historic New Bridge on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 12:00-5:00 p.m. Authors of local history, American history, and historical fiction are invited to participate. The event will feature book signings, lectures, a tour of the houses on site, and food at the tavern. BCHS and Historic New Bridge will supply tables, chairs, and advertising for all authors who attend. A cost of $20 per space is required. You can find the submission form here.
New Bridge served as a battleground, military headquarters, and intelligence-gathering post in every year of the American Revolutionary War. The Steuben House saw more of the American Revolution then any other house in America. It is the only extant house that General Steuben owned. Headquarters of the Bergen County Historical Society since 1939. Come see the distinctive Bergen County architecture and artifacts.
The 3 Jersey-Dutch Sandstone Houses and Westervelt-Thomas Barn will be open for tours as well. The Campbell-Christie House Tavern will be open to buy on of their popular New Bridge Donuts, coffee, and teas. There will be free parking for this event and admission is only $7 for adults. Students and BCHS members are free.

From: H-New Jersey
Dr. Peter T. Lubrecht
I cannot find the submission form for the May 3 Author’s Day, and I would like to participate. Please let me know how to do so.
Peter T. Lubrecht
Stanhope, NJ
Christian Malatesta
Dr. Lubrecht, there was an email sent to the address you provided. Thanks for visiting the MARCH website!