APT Sponsors History Discussion in NY

Archives Partnership Trust Trustee emeritus Honorable Jack McEneny will lead an interactive discussion on the theory of "flashback history."

Join the Honorable Jack McEneny, Archives Partnership Trust (APT) Trustee emeritus, for a lively and interactive discussion titled “The Wall in the Woods–Passing on our Heritage” on ways to fully engage audience members and create a friendly portal for historical inquiry. Utilizing examples of “flashback history,” McEneny will share techniques on speaking from the vantage point of joint exploration and relevance; moving from the shared known to the unknown, the hierarchical structure can be broken down to welcome larger audiences and “casual historians” to the conversation and the field.

The free discussion will take place on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. inside the Huxley Theater which is inside the New York State Museum Cultural Education Center located at 222 Madison Avenue, Albany, New York. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 518-474-1303 or emailing aptrust@nysed.gov.

From: Archives Partnership Trust